
En La 100×35, la milla más larga en la jornada de mi carrera humanitaria… Parte 2

Cómo la contribución de un inmigrante hondureño nacido en el extranjero, orgullosamente contribuye a una misión dental en Puerto Rico, cuál ayudaría a cambiar el curso de la atención médica y lideraría el camino para erradicar el cáncer oral en Puerto Rico, y su hermosa ladera de las montaña de Borinquen. Esta crónicas del resumen

En La 100×35, la milla más larga en la jornada de mi carrera humanitaria… Parte 2 Read More »

100×35. Upon the Longest Mile of My Volunteer Humanitarian Journey… Part 2

How a foreign-born, proud Honduran immigrant’s contribution to a dental mission in Puerto Rico, would help change the course of healthcare and lead the way to eradicate oral cancer throughout Puerto Rico, the beautiful mountainside of Borinquen. Dedicated to all immigrants, who have loaned their valuable contributions to the United States of America and its

100×35. Upon the Longest Mile of My Volunteer Humanitarian Journey… Part 2 Read More »

Poor diet, lack of available knowledge, stressors, pharmaceuticals, and a mission

Although it seems like just yesterday, but It was way back around 1998-99 that mother was diagnosed with diabetes. Poor diet, lack of available knowledge, stressors, and pharmaceuticals, such as Gliburide, and later insulin to which she’d been diagnosed, precipitated her pancreatic cancer. This which took her away from us in the short, painful, agonizing five months that followed, and she was gone to rest by February 2001, at age 72.

Poor diet, lack of available knowledge, stressors, pharmaceuticals, and a mission Read More »

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