Sabas Whittaker

Sabas Whittaker is a visual artist, author, lecturer, historian, musician-composer

Get to know me

Get to Know Me

Sabas Hernan Flores Whittaker is a multidisciplinary artist born in Puerto Cortez, Honduras, of English speaking and West Indian Garifuna\Garinagu descent. Though he primarily obtained his education in public schools in San Pedro Sula and Puerto Cortez. His grandmother reinforced his English learning at home and via private tutoring with the help throughout the Methodist Church. That he’d obtained an education in both English and Spanish.

At just 15 years old, Sabas Whittaker enlisted as a merchant marine and Sailed out of Puerto Cortes, where he served aboard the North American-flagged tug boat, the USS Atlas, under the command of Captain David Spicer. Sabas took advantage of each educational opportunity that the maritime career allowed, obtaining his equivalent of the baccalaureate in science and letters. After sailing for eight years, he was promoted to the rank of officer. Sabas served aboard 16 different ships and retired from the sea at age 23, to continue working and studying throughout the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the United States.

Sabas Whittaker later worked as a psychiatry case manager, therapist, and Lead Mental Health Worker for the Latino unit in mental health. After serving for nearly 30 years in the mental health field, he retired from the Connecticut State Department of Mental Health and Addictions Services. Since retired, Sabas Whittaker continues to dedicate his service to the community as a humanitarian activist, renowned author, painter, musician-songwriter, and visual artist. Sabas has been a member of the Association of American Composers, Authors, and Advertisers (ASCAP) since 1991.

In 1998 Hurricane Mitch devastated Honduras, leaving almost 15000 victims, including 5,657 dead, and 8,058 missings, and along with other prominent Honduran and other Latin Americans throughout the Northeast, he helps organized to create the Honduras Relief Committee of Connecticut to help provide humanitarian aid to their country of birth.

The author has written and published several books of poetry, history, a novel, and various stage and screenplays. Some of these being: Vestiges of a Journey, Tears of Joy Peace and Harmony, Songs to Valentines, Africans In the Americas, and Don’t Look Down on your Brother if You’re Not Going to Pick Him Up. In May 2018, he published Faith in the Field, a historical theological perspective on mental health. Later, Canto Al Grito del Emigrante En Voz Latina, being his first book written in the Spanish language, Poetic Dance Across the World, which is also a songbook of original songs and La Fe En El Campo, is the Spanish translation of Faith In The Field.

In 2006, Sabas Whittaker presented an exhibition of his paintings and sculptures at the United Nations Room in New York City. The presentation promoted the fundraising and charity focus on the economic, strategic approach of Garifuna women in Honduras and other Caribbean countries. The exhibition was sponsored by the Organization of Community Economic Development, ODECO.

Also, he has presented a successful exposition in New York as an artist and participant in El Paseo de las Artes 2019 (Art Stroll 2019), Sponsored by Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance, NoMAA.

Sabas continues researching, studying, implementing, creating, and writing;

Canto Al Grito del Emigrante En Voz Latina is his first work written and published in the Spanish language. His most recent book, Poetic Dance Across The World, is for sale today in bookstores worldwide. Sabas is an avid gardener and a trained chef. Whom has previously worked as a chief cook\chef while sailing aboard various cargo ships during his days as a merchant seaman. While on dry land, he’s been able to apply his culinary skills by joining together with other therapists and nutritionists, to aid the health of those persons with psychiatric disabilities and other medical-related illnesses, with the Community Base Initiative that served the city of Meriden, Connecticut, State-run outpatient psychiatric unit. He is currently working on a health-conscious, holistic, organic cookbook, and easy urban gardening tips to enhance our inner-city community food access.


Sabas’ gospel roots are clearly defined in his music, art, literature, and in the way, he lives his life.





The need to find value in what others may refuse to see before their very eyes. That’s my inspiration.

What do you think your reader will find in your books?
Education, awareness, inspiration, motivation, entertainment, help, and answers to questions they didn’t even know to ask.


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