
The Regency Publishers at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 | Sabas Whittaker

This year’s Frankfurt Book Fair has been a successful event, and it happened through the presence of many authors who participated and joined us just as Mr. Sabas Whittaker brought his book entitled “Faith in the Field.” He shared stories about his life as a writer and how he started to love and publish books. […]

The Regency Publishers at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 | Sabas Whittaker Read More »

100×35 Journey Upon A Volunteered Mission The Longest Mile

100×35 Journey Upon A Volunteered Mission The Longest Mile. May /15/2020 Pandemic Bujull Story of Puerto Rico That is No Bull! This is dedicated to friends and well wishers from across the globe that followed my Facebook-live feed, whom prayed and wished us all well on that grimed afternoon, May 2020, as I fought to

100×35 Journey Upon A Volunteered Mission The Longest Mile Read More »

100×35… Upon the Longest Mile of my volunteer humanitarian journey. (Part I)

Throughout the past decades, during my younger years, I had been traveling to Puerto Rico since the late 1970’s, on board different ships, and by late 1981, San Juan Puerto Rico, became the port of call for the last 3 ships upon which I sailed for the next few years… I would proudly close that

100×35… Upon the Longest Mile of my volunteer humanitarian journey. (Part I) Read More »

100×35… Marchando En La Milla Más Larga, de mi jornada voluntaria como humanitario (Parte I)

A lo largo de las décadas pasadas, durante mis años de juventud, había estado viajando a Puerto Rico desde finales de la década de 1970, a bordo de diferentes barcos, y a finales de 1981, San Juan, Puerto Rico, se convirtió en el puerto de call para los últimos 3 barcos en los que navegaré

100×35… Marchando En La Milla Más Larga, de mi jornada voluntaria como humanitario (Parte I) Read More »

En La 100×35, la milla más larga en la jornada de mi carrera humanitaria… Parte 2

Cómo la contribución de un inmigrante hondureño nacido en el extranjero, orgullosamente contribuye a una misión dental en Puerto Rico, cuál ayudaría a cambiar el curso de la atención médica y lideraría el camino para erradicar el cáncer oral en Puerto Rico, y su hermosa ladera de las montaña de Borinquen. Esta crónicas del resumen

En La 100×35, la milla más larga en la jornada de mi carrera humanitaria… Parte 2 Read More »

100×35. Upon the Longest Mile of My Volunteer Humanitarian Journey… Part 2

How a foreign-born, proud Honduran immigrant’s contribution to a dental mission in Puerto Rico, would help change the course of healthcare and lead the way to eradicate oral cancer throughout Puerto Rico, the beautiful mountainside of Borinquen. Dedicated to all immigrants, who have loaned their valuable contributions to the United States of America and its

100×35. Upon the Longest Mile of My Volunteer Humanitarian Journey… Part 2 Read More »

Haciendo historia fuera de nuestro país de origen. Poniendo en alto los nombres de Honduras, Puerto Rico y nuestra bella gente.

Haciendo historia fuera de nuestro país de origen. Poniendo en alto los nombres de Honduras, Puerto Rico y nuestra bella gente. Erase un 14 de Junio, 2015, día en cual recordamos póstumamente en nuestros corazones, el día del natalicio de ambas de nuestras madres. Ese mismo día, mi esposa, Rev. Dra., Damaris Whittaker y yo

Haciendo historia fuera de nuestro país de origen. Poniendo en alto los nombres de Honduras, Puerto Rico y nuestra bella gente. Read More »

The Rev. Dr. Damaris Whittaker Leading The First Congregational Church Hartford, AKA, (Center Church UCC,)

There are certain beautiful, magical days in which the elapsing of the events that takes place and changes one’s life. This was one of those wondrous days in Hartford, Connecticut. For we were representing our people, opening up new possibilities and making history at once. The Rev. Dr. Damaris Whittaker, would be installed as the

The Rev. Dr. Damaris Whittaker Leading The First Congregational Church Hartford, AKA, (Center Church UCC,) Read More »

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